tuna can

A penis fatter than it is long; chode
Because Edgar had a chode, Erma called it a tuna can.
by william joseph hemmington December 21, 2004
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tuna can

A penis that is wider than long.
The guy had such a tuna can he had to have an elephant step on his back to fuck.
by Copie Boy November 4, 2002
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tuna can

a penis that resembles a can of tuna, very thick but not very long. This trait is usually attributed to men that are white, tall, skinny, and usually own ridiculously huge dogs, trucks, and guns.
Dude, Brian got so drunk last night he stuck his dick in that fat chick. I bet she loved the tuna can.
by SicAssMic April 12, 2009
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tuna can

A penis that is wider than it is long.
"Did you hear? Marcy went home with Josh last night!"
"I heard he's got a real tuna can."
"Yeah, she's not going to walk the same ever again."
by aidan64 May 11, 2008
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tuna can

Why you being such a bitch, you got sand in your tuna can or something?
by papoose24 November 8, 2010
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tuna can

a penis that is wider than it is long ...often referred to as chink dick
Damn Timmy has a tuna can in his pants
by Can Opener Man June 3, 2004
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tuna can

by Turbotom March 26, 2003
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