when a guy has just done the most diabolically goofiest guy thing in the world
Max dissed josh and josh gave him the most extremely haunting chizawiza stare
by goofy chizawiza August 18, 2022
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The blank, unemotional expression on your face while you unknowingly stare, often captured by pictures, you can tell nothing is going on behind their eyes.
Katie- "What does your friend think of me? He has been staring at me all night, kinda freaking me out."

Bob- "O, don't worry, that's just his Kentucky Stare, there's nothing going on behind those eyes."
by Lunch____Box September 19, 2011
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staring at someone until they feel good about themselves
sofie is manifestation staring at molli
by shitsandlolz April 23, 2021
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When a non-chocolate person stares at a chocolate person in wonderment/lust/sexual curiosity.
Girl 1: I always catch him staring at me. I'm like "why are you looking at me all the time?!"

Girl 2: "Oh he's giving you the chocolate stare. He's curious."
by StrawberryPopsicleFairy July 10, 2017
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A term used to describe when a person, most likely with a history in fine arts, stares at a person for an uncomfortably long amount of time, and may even appear angry. In reality they are squinting at a person's features trying to figure out their proportions, without realizing that they are doing so.
Person A: "Mr. G kept staring at me yesterday, I think I'm in trouble."
Person B: "He does that to everyone, he has 'Artist Stare syndrome."
by FlametheSeraph March 30, 2021
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the act of producing a very piercing stare into the camera when taking a slutty photo of oneself that makes people oncomfortable
the ''facebook stare'' is as to say : ''yes i am a huge whore but you cant look while i show my tits

this is the most commen look on facebook sluts ther faces
by nupey giga September 11, 2011
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