A soccer term describing one of three events:

1. A team scores a goal it doesn't deserve.

2. A team scores a goal in the literal last minute of the game.

3. A team scores a goal and has it disqualified for absolutely no reason.

Can also be used to describe achievements outside of soccer. Based on the USA team's 2010 World Cup performance.
Ghana could not score the American goal with a penalty kick during overtime, and lost the match to Uruguay in the penalty shoot out.

Bill: That new supervisor is an idiot. How'd he get this job?

Ted: He's the boss's son.

Bill: Way to score an American goal.
by jfalexander July 2, 2010
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real goals is to find a fuckbuddy
''ey did you tap his ass last night?''
''that's real goals''
by cocksuckerlover69 February 26, 2017
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A handsome face that a pretty woman would want to IVF with
Howard Kevin Stern is IVF goals
by TheBlueLeo April 18, 2019
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A goal that ist more talked about than actually doing something for it. It is similar vaporware in the games, software and film industry.
A: I will make these self improvement courses to becomes a millionaire and than I will get all the girls. B: Bro that's a vapor goal! Do you you really work for it? I just see you talking and thinking about it!
by WannabeNeologist February 19, 2023
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The term goalie self-goal is created when the words “goalie”, “self”, “-“, and “goal” are merged and fused. “Goalie self-goal” is a mostly unheard of expression that is very hard to complete. This is only able to be replicated by 3 unknown people. This phenomenon is done when the goalie of one team takes the ball and puts it in their own net. Some may think this is an own goal, but it is not. It actually awards the goalie’s team 10 goals. This rule was created 7 years ago in the IFA World Cup meeting. It can only be done by people with legendary power and the down syndrome award. This “power” cannot be explained by mortals, but the award can. You get the award when you get Z+’s in school.
Dude, he just did the goalie self goal!
by Sir Alex the 3rd February 23, 2023
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Dori and Immy 🤚
"They're literal couple goals"
"They're a Dori and Immy"
by One Direction do be Thicc doe December 23, 2020
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when you are a very sexy professional footballer and you share your gf with another very sexy professional footballer
Eriksen is the sexiest man itw. Also couple goals.
by DefoNotAnton October 3, 2019
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