- the most deviant and perverse sexual act known to man. For liability reasons, we are unable to provide a full definition. However, we can say that it involves lots of Texas Pete, one penis, and two men.
Hopefully Tom will get drunk enough to night to try and old Santa Fe Sausage Roll.
by Mr. Thor July 2, 2011
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dinner roll theif is a child who takes a dinner roll
"is the dinner roll theif coming here"
by yeysyeyeeyeyeyeysyeue February 5, 2022
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A term used to define feces that resembles a sushi roll.
After eating that California roll last night, I made my own muddy roll in the toilet.
by RedRocketClark November 6, 2021
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When a particularly large individual is speaking nonsense and in the middle of the conversation you ask them if you push them down a hill will they roll?
Person 1: I just think we are different people

Person 2, in order to stop this nonsense conversation says: If I pushed you down a hill would you roll? In other words rolling hill syndrome
by Alphaking711 November 9, 2022
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A man named Riley that like to kidnap Italians
A dumb guy name crooked tootsie roll that has no life
by Bionic_squirty May 9, 2023
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