Proffers that society is a dialectic between people with high levels of sex hormones and people with low levels of sex hormones.

Anathematic to historical materialism which posits that society is a conflict between high-capital people and low-capital people.
Bio-absolutism is the rhizomatic (Guattarian) counterpart to Marx's dialecticical materialism.
by zanderfin August 23, 2020
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The value of one's weight in absolut vodka. Multiply weight in lbs by 14.08 (Absolut vodka is roughly 88 cents per ounce).
"See that girl over there, the really skinny one?"
"Oh shit! She is so fucking skinny."
"I bet her absolut value is only 1300"
"I'd say 1200."

absolute value absolute vodka absolut vodka
by bennydre May 1, 2013
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steve: "im gay"
cole: "but im absolutely fucking massively gay!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!"
by me3053082084130 February 11, 2022
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An absolute melon is the person who can only say the most useless answers that contribute nothing the the conversation. They are always looking for attention and have IQ's lower than 4.
A: Says some dumb bullshit

B: You absolute melon
by waitwhatdoiputinhereagain August 18, 2023
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An absolutely 100% perfect person is one whom is hard working, loyal, smart, funny, caring and who doesn’t give up even when life sucks (etc). In this case a he, whom is very dear to my heart and who has displayed every single 100% perfect quality that there is to display. Even his flaws are absolutely perfect. There are very few 100% perfect people in their world and If like me you have one you are indeed a very lucky person.
Greg: Is that Ayden Bascom?

Me: yes, isn’t he absolutely 100% perfect?
by Averygoodgirl January 12, 2022
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