The headache immediately following a day of thinking through distractions. And arguing with invisible friends. Unsuccessfully...
I just left work and I think I was Brain Raped
by TotalFiction January 10, 2020
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When a woman avoids having evil sex.
Women should be aware of sexually predatory behaviors, and they should learn how to rape escape and call the police when it happens.
by Ereck Flowers May 3, 2019
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Chip Raping is where you shove chips down your friends cleavage.
I just chip raped my friend, she looked like she was wanking when she was trying to get the chips out.

Lets chip rape her, she has heaps of cleavage so it shud be easy
by Spazninja July 4, 2011
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1. Getting raped or mullested by Moses or Moses believer.
2. Trying to convert someone to the new religion called MOSES4LIFE
I was moses raped at the mall last night!
by faieia September 17, 2008
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When a man has little to no distinguishable facial features and no facial hair. This would make them difficult to describe to authorities had they assaulted someone. They typically are an awkward or intense type of personality; only making their strange look more noticeable. This isn’t usually a choice look, it’s inherent. Somehow, guys with this look always seem a little 'off' mentally; possibly capable of something as heinous as rape.
My beard was bothering me, so I shaved and now I’m scared I have rape face.
by Marcus Marquise May 18, 2020
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to comment over and over again on someones note or status
anna: hey did u make that note i tagged u in?

brianna: yehd'g im gonna comment rape urs but i just

wanted to finish mine first.

anna:cool man, ill comment rape u too
by mindy444 January 29, 2011
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