The BEST TV show of all time created in 2008. So good Netflix paid $1 billion dollars for this masterpiece of entertainment. The show is around the main character, Walter White, a lousy high-school chemistry teacher who's life is turned around once he is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and turns to the methamphetamine trade.
by Admitted March 5, 2022
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Person 1: man i love breaking bad
Person 2: i know right its the GOAT
by LambadaCore December 18, 2022
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Currently suffering through extreme levels of depression and anxiety.
Not Bad boiiiii
by Big BO likes art April 23, 2019
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You'll know its bad after you eat it. If you belly hurts its bad.
Mmmm that ice cream whas gooOoood! *2 minutes later* Uggghhhh wowza! That was deffinitly bad.That was (bad ice cream).
by Wowza! Thats crazy! October 19, 2019
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A corpse, one that has been dead long enough to produce a scent.
"Hey, I hear they found a bad perfume!"
"Woah, how long has it been dead?"
"Like 3 days maybe?"
by YipDipPotatoChip May 22, 2022
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