During the sexual act of anal, the male hits climax and ejaculates into the females rectum. Later on, the female will the defecait creating what is known as a oreo smoothie Yummy
Jenny just made me an oreo smoothie, I can't believe how delicious it is!
by Sack of Wine January 26, 2016
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A freshly shaved or waxed vagina.
"Sheila is getting waxed today. Can't wait to dive into her smoothy tonight."
by Krylian August 31, 2023
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Detox smoothie is any drink claiming to clean your system, not backed up by science.
Synonim: magic potion
I just had a detox smoothie.
by Fnt101 June 22, 2023
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When you cum in a mixed drink and serve it to your significant other
I gave my home boy’s wife a chunky smoothie the other day but he accidentally drank it.
by Sk8ter1800 February 19, 2020
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When you shove an entire Nutribullet up her arsehole and she eats some fruit (or veg, I'm not picky) and it flows through her cavity to the Nutribullet, and then you turn it on and make the smoothie, and then turn her upside down and let the mixture pour up to her mouth and her partner (male or female #equality) licks it off the roof of her mouth.
Adam: "She into some kinky shit, yanno boi"
Alex: "I bet she'd love a Subway Smoothie"

Alfie: "Do you still have my Nutribullet?"
Asher: "Hell yeah! She loves having it rammed up her arse!"
by Yummy_McYummy October 17, 2017
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In contrast to a Warm Fuzzy or Cold Prickly, a Lukewarm Smoothie is a note given to someone which causes a confusion of good and bad emotions or indifference due to either the self-contradicting nature of the message or being a simple statement conveying no clear emotion. Additionally, a Lukewarm Smoothie is typically given anonymously and signed simply <3 LWS.
Examples of Lukewarm Smoothies:

1. Peter, you look like a Lakie, but I still like you. <3 LWS

2. Michael, you have blonde hair and blue eyes just like your sister. <3 LWS
by The_Hawk August 4, 2009
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