Someone who has been listening to jungle and drum and bass for years, and someone who is aware of breakbeat culture.
by Man a boasty. January 21, 2023
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The act of masturbating, frying AND seasoning chicken with 11 herbs and spices while driving a 1971 Ford Pinto.
Coastie doing an original recipe little mitch is proof that it takes a tough man to fry a tender chicken.
by publius2011 April 25, 2017
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Hym "You know what? I just kind of connected the dots (I'm a little slow on the up-take so you'll have to forgive me) that I doubled down on my original sin and was lauded as a genius who can't acknowledge when he's wrong for it. That's fucking hilarious. I'm sorry but that just takes the cake. Wow..."

Iam "It's not true though. I can acknowledge that I was wrong. And no. I'm not. Maybe in done vague sense but I don't want things to be this way."

Hym "Ha! I can't believe this shit is actually happening. This is wild..."

Iam "This is not what I wanted."
by Hym Iam June 9, 2022
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When you give your friend some candy corn but they did not see the bag/box it came from. Which often times results in confusion for the receiving party.
"Hey Richard! Want some Candy corn?" "I don't know, that seems to be candy corn of questionable origin".
by bombdoorsopen October 24, 2023
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To be, or act, in any way as Billy Gordon.
Hey (Billy Gordon), you're the original scheme boul.
by JNeilson January 28, 2014
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The origins of the Wulfecks are shrouded in mystery, some say that the first Wulfeck on earth was the same roman soldier that stabbed Jesus in the side with the spear of destiny. And that he was transformed by the blood of Jesus as it splattered on him.

The Wulfeck earth original is thought to have lived an extended lifetime of possibly up to 400 years, and was the founder of Germany, and known as K'uk'ulkan the south american god to the mayans.
The Wulfeck Earth Origin states that the same roman soldier that stabbed Jesus in the side with the spear of destiny, was also the first earth created Wulfeck.
by jimmylanes34 January 18, 2023
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This is the beginning of our era, AKA Minecraft
A: bro I returned to my origins!
B: really! u mean like school or something?
A: Nope, Minecraft
by Peta Hater 06 August 14, 2019
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