Neil is a very smart, rich boy who is very funny. He is very rich and will donate lots to charity. Neil can always make you laugh no matter what mood you are in.
Damn. Neil is so rich and generous
by davidmichaels September 6, 2019
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Neil is a weird, cool, nice and cute boy who likes to play sports. He is a kind best friend with a huge heart. He can comfort you when you're feeling mad or sad. Neil is a person who you will instantly fall for. If you ever come across a Neil, be friends with him.
Girl 1: "Look! He's so hot!"

Girl 2: "Yeah, that's because he's Neil!"
by xXxKittyCatxXx January 23, 2022
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A double rocks or pint glass filled to the brim with Jameson Irish Whiskey and ice.
Give me a Neil.
I'll have a Neil.
I've had 3 Neil's tonight.
by Larry Darrell Darrell November 22, 2021
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A sexy guy but he is a niggggggg
noone shud ever be a Neil
by dtydhtb November 29, 2021
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The smartest and sweetest guy you will ever meet. Very sociable and loves making new friends. He Is friends with everyone. Is very keen at reading the room. Usually follows the rules but isn't afraid to break them. Let this not fool you as in the inside he secretly plans to rule the world.
"Hey, Dave, did you invite Neil? He's so chill. "
Dave: "All Hail The Coming Of The Destroyer."

"Wtf Dave?"
by Postingcronmain November 25, 2021
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Neil is one of the best boys on the planet , hes caring , respects women , is nice to everyone. He cares a lot about his friends and would lay down his life for any of them. Neil loves all animals and will protect them at any cost. If you come across a Neil you should never let him go. The best kind of Neils are the queer ones.If you life a Neil he is not going to let you out of his life ever.
by Your mother loves me April 14, 2023
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Having 12 or more contract 'runners' at the same time. Usually this is celebrated by buying a beige jacket
Boys, boys I nearly have Neil runners!
by 12Runners12345 May 12, 2017
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