Katie's are very complicated creatures. Their origins are officially still unknown. When translated in Latin, Katie means "Woman made of pallets". It's said that in the late 1400's, the first Katie ever known spent every day and night making things out of pallets. Headboards, decorative signs, crafts, and even the meals she cooked for her husband were made out of old wooden pallets.

During the month of November, Katie's are usually under a lot of stress. Nobody knows exactly why, but rumor has it that in November of 2005, she got terrible news of her car having a "sticky lifter". Since the beginning of automobiles, nobody has ever had their car diagnosed with this condition, and nobody ever will again.
During their early years of elementary school, Katie's can be found dating strapping young men named Eric, but not allowing them to hold their hand or even talk on the phone. It's still unknown what is actually meant by the word dating, since Eric was treated no differently than a chalkboard eraser.

The evolution of Katie's is still being researched. It's believed that the original Katie derived from a German Shepard with Down Syndrome named Casper, but this has yet to be proven.
Drew: "dude... Is that a Katie?"
Eric: "I think it might be, I saw her transporting an old pallet yesterday"
Allison: "Oh yeah, it's definitely a Katie. She's very stressed - and it's November."
by February 29, 2016
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A girl that absolutely loves pigs. A stunning character. In a book she would be Daisy Wells in Murder Most Unladylike. She's probably Bi. She has 3 mains friends that stick together and are probably in most of each others lessons. She is a girl to trust. But be careful bc she's probably got mental health problems.
Hey meet Katie
by Katieeeeeeeeeeeeeee loves pigs December 7, 2020
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A nice blonde girl who is super nice and can sing very well Katie is one of the nicest people out there and cares a lot about her friends, family, and school.
She is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.
Ben : Hey man, look over there its Katie.
Johnny : Dude, she's more beautiful than I imagined.
by Dragon Kitty July 10, 2019
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Katie is a girl who thinks sheโ€™s ugly even though sheโ€™s not

Katie is a girl who wants to be a potato ๐Ÿฅ”

Katie is a girl who doesnโ€™t want her friends to die
โ˜ ๏ธ

Katie is a girl


Katie is a girl who is basically Ava from my inner demons The person Aphmau played as

Katie is a girl that makes to many edits

Katie is adorable with glasses aka (my glasses)

Katie is a girl that has 3+ pets


Katie is a girl that loves Taco Bell


Katie is a girl that is pretty


Katie is a girl that is short


Katie is a girl that thinks sheโ€™s fat

Katie is a girl that says a word repeatedly then never says it again


Katie is a girl named Katie

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป โš–๏ธ

Katie is a girl student

๐Ÿ‘ฉ ๐ŸŽ“

Katie is a girl that is not smart... at all


Katie is a girl that is the support that keeps her friends together


Katie is a girl that has bffs mostly are apart of the LGBT
๐Ÿ‘จ โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ’‹ ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘ฉ โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ’‹ ๐Ÿ‘ฉ

Katie is a girl that asked if sheโ€™s a bad friend

Person 1: KATIE OK girrrrllll you need to her our ship drama
Person 1: They kissed ๐Ÿฅฐ

Person 1: I KNOW RIGHT

Person 2:what is up with them ๐Ÿ˜’
Person 3: hmm idk why are they screaming ๐Ÿ˜’
by Lillyis_nice101 November 18, 2019
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This girl will have a great future stick with her as sheโ€™s loyal asf
My bestie is callled Katie
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Sheโ€™s amazing, but gives Alvaro a lot of hard time
Alvaro: hey Katie; white is not a color
Katie: itโ€™s your point of view man
by Muthakashicase October 20, 2021
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The annoying one.
Swears like a feud, beats up people up to twice her age, is average height and quite pudgy.
Does far more harm than good.
Has an extremely bossy best friend, who might even be as annoying as she is, and another friend who curses almost as much as she does.
She will drag people around by their hair, give you the middle finger for no goddamn reason, and has a more physically attractive sibling than her.
Is destined to end up in an insane asylum/juvenile prison/jail with her friend(s).
Will insult you and your intelligence...even though she herself has very little of it.
*Rolls eyes* "Katie, shut the hell up."-Older sibling
*facepalm* Shut the fuck up.
by DontEvenThinkAboutIt. October 18, 2013
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