Telling lies continually until you forget what lies you have told.
He was speaking that Heard's Word, and now we can't believe a thing he says.
by Pork & Pock May 27, 2022
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Someone who is manipulative, evil, and a gold digger
She is such an manipulative, and evil witch, what an Amber Heard
by Stace1972 October 19, 2023
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I dumped my boyfriend when he pooped in my bed, I realized he was an Ambro Heard
by trixiekitten July 14, 2022
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The instinct of the herd of humanity to follow what they've heard regardless of its validity.

(Nothing much to do with Amber Heard)
Heard Instinct seems to dominate the commentary on many online plotforms*
by PartisanZ July 21, 2022
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Y'all already know what those two mean

If you don't your stoopid (Candice d**k fit in yo mouth, Ligma Balls-)
So ass the title says, it means when someone pulls a Candice joke on you, the comeback is"But I heard Candice was diagnosed with Ligma"
"Have you seen Candice"
"Candice, no, but I heard she was diagnosed with Ligma"
by Why-and-no June 12, 2022
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The shit being taken in a specific place to get a point across to another person who will most likely be the one to find it. Like in the case where Amber Heard was accused of taking a shit in her and Johnny Depp's Bed.
Before the cat left, he made a Heard Terd right where Victor always sits on the couch. Victor totally got Heard Turded!
by LakotaNative September 22, 2023
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The turd you find in your bed occasionally, especially after an argument.
I came home from work today to find a Heard Turd in my bed. My girl blamed the dog, but that thing was bigger than he was. She always does this after we fight...
by barnyardhowl April 25, 2022
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