A person that wears a lot of bracelets, or has a very nice looking arm.
"Wow Milly, your arm charm looks great."

"The Rock has massive Arm Charm!"
by Mariah and Karin July 27, 2020
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The candid ability to win over people without even knowing it
He used the TV Charm and I just felt compelled to buy him a drink
by May 1, 2021
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The swallow charm is when you are very energetic but you get all the girls you even take your best friends girl
Dude did you use the swallow charm on that girl
by The unspoken rule June 4, 2019
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While at a bukake party, you suck the cum from a male prostitute’s cock into your mouth, then force-spit the cum in another male prostitute’s ass who hasn't cum yet. Then have the guy with the cum in his ass squeeze his butt cheeks together, wait three minutes, and shit the cum into an empty buttermilk jug. Repeat process until jug is full. Store buttermilk jug in the refrigerator until morning when the cold cum can be poured over a bowl of lucky charms. It’s important you force spit the cum into the ass of one of the guys who hasn’t cum yet, or, according to the leprechaun, you will lose the luck in the charms
Several days before class elections, I made Beto Charms every day in the morning in hopes that the luck would help get me elected class president.
by Major Peeler October 11, 2019
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Charva charm is when a chav is full of charisma. Even though they’re rough- they’re a darling that everybody loves. Typically it’s a cheeky lad who has it, but girls will have it too.

Originates from Newcastle
I love Callum me’
Aye he’s got charva charm hasnt he’
by MissBellabrusco February 20, 2023
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When a group of women (or men) made crude, sexual remarks or gestures towards a man; the opposite of cat call
"Holy shit you guys, I just went out for a bit when a gaggle of bitches started snake-charming me. One chick was all about bending my ass over a barrel."
by secretclean August 21, 2015
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•The most beautiful girl you could meet . Sweet , caring , funny , loud , smart , slow , one of the greatest person you could ever meet , she's loyal, shows emotion, acts like she doesn't care because inside she's hurting

•she has a bubble butt . and is a great singer ,she’s also a fucking psycho and will knock a bitch out if needed
Damn bro ,Who That”

Bro ,That’s Charm She Bad
by Omgitsstace August 29, 2018
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