A phrase typically used when you want to show that it is two diffrent sides to your personality, or WHEN something is relatable. Has orgin in a normie meme, that shows two sides of a person in a spesific scenario.
Example 1 - Me also me
Me standing in front of friends:
Says «me» while remaing calm
Then says «also me» while i burst OUT IN tears. (a funny way of showing my sadness inside)

Example 2
Friend: I love me some good pussy
Me: Me aslo me (shows that I relate to friend)
by Herbodoodle January 28, 2018
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A common phrase said by youtuber Wilbur soot. When normally used in a sentance you insert the name of who you would like food from.
Philza-playing minecraft
by me me hungy March 11, 2021
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A totally awesome person whom everyone loves. Every "Me" is different with it's own personality and style. Me is one of the coolest people to hang out with that everyone falls for.

PS: This definition does not apply to Tonald Drump
Me: I love you
Him: I love you too, 'cause you're just... you...
Me: Huh huh so I'm just me XD
by I1andonlyIvy January 28, 2017
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A commonly use tequnice to annoy or avoid and get people off your case about something when you know they are talking to you. When used properly the person will say "me or..." while looking around at other people with a confused look wondering if they are talking to you. comes from a scene in the movie Dodgeball.
1. "joe did you take my 20 bucks"
"wait me or...."
"ohhhh.... wait me or...."
"OMG i dont even care anymore"

2. "hey ryan want to go to the movies"
"wait me or...."
"ummm yea you"
"wait what... me or..."
by your mothers sweet ass July 28, 2009
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Someone who believes in their own lies, and lives a double life, to reassure their own lie.
I have no idea, who you are anymore. Your always ME-ME!
by Jibs007 September 2, 2017
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