(1) A state of being near or in the act of vomiting.

(2) A more descriptive and severe form of the term nauseous.

(3) A state of being nauseous with the explicit need to vomit as well.

WORD ORIGIN: First introduced into the English language in 2003 by hockey player Matt Owen.
Upon viewing his grandmother's cold, bloated, dead remains, Weston became vomitous.
by Matt Owen July 19, 2003
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Finnish urban legend says, that there lives (or lived) creature named Vomit in Midle-Finland. He had vomited himself into this universe, and he is also known as "Strangler" and "Urakoitsija" (which means worker in finnish). The tale says he had taken the body of drunken bum in order to get close to his victims. He has insane obsession to drinking (mostly beer and jaegermaister), smoking and repairing various things. He's former sailor. He's known for "The boiler room effect". He lures innocent children to his houses boiler room and commits his mystique fetishes to them. and he is always in drunken haze.
Dude, I saw Vomit in a pub! He was so drunk that he had dropped his food all over his clothes, pissed in his pants and booze had knocked him out!
by NZArt October 22, 2006
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Vomit-Superlative, or outrageous. More than sick.
That big wave was so sick it was vomit.
by word builder July 27, 2011
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A piece of pizza melted in your stomach from your stomach acids and regerhatated all over your friends grandmaras socks at a party
Friend 1: ah crap who vomited on grannies death socks

Friend 2: haha it was me
by Meadooo1453728 September 29, 2018
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Something that makes you want to vomit. Weather it be clothes, relating to sports -- a really bad pass or shot, or even someone's face. Usually used at the end of a sentence.
"Her shirt is vomitizing"

"That shot was vomitizing"

"_________'s face it vomitizing"
by Stephanie March 23, 2005
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Descriptor for something that is not very appealing. Synonym for wretched, disgusting, or grotesque. To add interest, it can be spelled to the tune of Fergie's G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S.
That blouse is vomitable.
by stacey griggs October 15, 2007
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