Code word for any attractive boy that walks past when you’re with friends. You can use it in a sentence or just say “pop” or “popcorn”. Your friend responds “no popcorn” or “popcorn”. They can also respond using a sentence.
Shalissa: pop-pop-pop-popcorn

Linda: no popcorn. He looks too old
Shalissa: so we don’t need any popcorn?

Linda: no I’m not in the mood for popcorn
by Popcornlover1418 June 13, 2019
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When you shove your flaccid penis into an orifice and then let it get hard.
The heat popcorned my dick inside her vagina. We were popcorning.
by Pucsmash February 17, 2019
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Slang for crotch. Derived from when accidentally reaching for the "popcorn" during a movie and getting crotch instead.

Butter the popcorn- To have unprotected sex.
Eat some popcorn- Oral sex.
Chris: Hey man, did you get any popcorn last night?
Shaun: Ya man, she kept screamin "give me the butter baby, give me the butter!"

Erik: Dude you gonna reach for some popcorn during that movie?
Scot: Which kind?

by ShaunG September 19, 2006
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able to eat snacks(mainly popcorn) to
bob: dude, that movie was so popcornable.
greg: i know, i had to go back for refills on my milk duds
by ceatah330 May 25, 2007
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The stand-in name for something un-named and doesn’t need a definition in naming. However once referred to as Popcorn, it is instantly forever known as Popcorn.
Steve: “what shall we call the bar”
Ben: “dunno, we can decide later, for the time being let’s refer to it as Popcorn”
Steve: “Popcorn it is”
by Marlbs May 22, 2019
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A way of letting someone know that an attractive person is within vision.

The attractiveness of someone is so great that you could stand there watching them (like a movie) with a container of popcorn in hand.
You: "Popcorn!"
Your friend: "Where?"
You "Over there, and he isn't wearing a shirt!"
by BamPow July 25, 2011
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