(v)to stare at a beautiful boy who makes your knees weak, your mouth drop, and whos smile gives you butterflies.
Me: Deven, you were totally oogleing at that boy
Deven: No i wasn't!!
Me: Admit it. you love him.
Deven: thats cause hes HOTT.
by mollie & deven November 19, 2006
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A weird mexican dude who lacks the skills required to pull a chick older than 14, but is still pretty rad because he gives free burger king and on the rare, drunk occasion, some damn good head.
A1: Dude i'm fuggen starving, lets go get some free food from oogles.

A2: Oogles is such a beaner.

A1: agreed.
by Jan homrady June 12, 2008
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The reaction one gets when talking to Niki Orman
I talked to Niki and I was oogling all day
by Anonymous October 28, 2003
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We went to Best Buy to oogle at the digital camcorders.
by Wilson October 10, 2003
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To oogle is to be completely amazed by someones beauty.
Everyone oogled over annie because she is so pretty.
by Ly😘 June 18, 2017
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Oogle is the belly fat that hangs there.

Girl: Eeew, look at that girl's oogle hanging out.

Girl 2: That's disgusting she needs to cover that up.
Ooogle is the belly fat that hangs out of girls shirts.
by Damned Danielle August 11, 2010
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Also: oogling, oogly, ooglish. It means to 'drool' over a hot guy or hot girl. I made the word myself. ^_^
Laura and I went to see The Matrix so we could oogle over Neo. He's so hot!
by Manders November 15, 2003
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