Communist rag read by Labourite sheep/trades unionists.

Typical editorial stance:

1. Blame Tory cuts!!!
2. UKIP are racist!!!
3. Those Tories again!!!
4. Isn't Andy Burnham fantastic!!!
5. All hail the unions!!!
7. Bedroom Tax!!!
"Honey, we're out of loo roll."
"Sorry dear, The Mirror only publishes daily."
by hgdkejdjkl September 5, 2015
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what ugly people look at 100 times a day to see if they look ne betta, no it doesnt work, my brother has tried it already
Im going to look in the mirror and see if i look any better
by Mic August 6, 2004
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A mirror is a thing you can see your reflection in. The ugliest things can be seen through it
A mirror reflects
by A H A H SISOSNCBFIOWS December 2, 2018
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A writing style liqened to that of a mirror, liqe a mirror. Reflecting, synonymous, liqe. A word or a pair of phrases technically different in text, though resounding with similar, if not exact sonic qualities.
I: A Fall/ Awful
II: Come, promise me/Compromize me
III: Mirrorical/Mere Oracle
by vjesci April 4, 2007
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Filtering infromation for the public eye designed for profiting. American government policy designed by George Bush.
Mirrorism filtering information for the public eye, designed for profiting, your neighbor what a guy.

by protagonistofatragedy666 April 21, 2010
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Mirroring or The chameleon effect describes our human instinct to “empathise and affiliate” with other people.

We intentionally imitate subtle aspects of each other's mannerisms, postures and facial expressions. We also imitate each other's speech patterns, including inflexions, talking speed, and speaking time. Sometimes we even take on the foreign accent of the person to whom we are talking to or thinking about, sometimes leading to embarrassing consequences.
Also referred to as mimicry, it can occur subconsciously. Your spouse or crush may be overseas in China, and you could find yourself subconsciously travelling nearby to Chinatown, New York for example, as a way of being with them. Mirroring consists of a wide-ranging spectrum including, but not limited to, dress, gestures, vocal pitch and tone, posture, distance, eye contact, distance, and body orientation.

Research has shown that people increase mimicry of another person when affiliation goals exist compared to when not meaning if you are engaged in a task with other people, or working on a collaborative project, it is more likely that mimicry will be displayed. However, the odds are that no one will realize it. Mimicry is often one aspect of being charismatic, being persuasive, building rapport, and having a positive impact on someone. On the other hand, even if you aren't aware you're mimicking, it can be an expression of great fondness. Repeating their words, catchphrases and accent, even drinking and eating the same foods as them is a tell tale sign you have chemistry or strong feelings
by _The Secret_ February 25, 2020
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Anything with a vague reflection of your self-image.
Constantly looking at a mirror won't make you look better.

If you truly want to see yourself, don't use a mirror, use a camera.
by we found a problem October 8, 2007
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