Thought up while high, and now being used as a replacement for rofl.

Stands for:

Laughing out loud on floor laughing.
"How many Freudians does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to hold the ladder and one to screw the penis- whoops, I mean lightbulb."

by Luther Dark April 4, 2005
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An extention to the term lol ( laugh out loud)
|.Jack.| says:
Laurel.Lush. (R) Fact #19: Jack has fucked out and took his fucking Apricot BNs with him! says:
haha LOFL?
Laurel.Lush. (R) Fact #19: Jack has fucked out and took his fucking Apricot BNs with him! says:
laughing on the floor laughing
|.Jack.| says:
haha yeh
by KcaJ September 13, 2007
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All of these definitions are incorrect. LOFL stands for "Lolling On the Floor Laughing."
by attorneyatlawl January 2, 2007
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Laughing on floor Laughing

(Suppose to be repeated)
Guy 1: It's too tight
Guy 2: That's what she said!!
Guy 1: Lofl
by mndz_mkl January 16, 2010
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Birdy's word for rofl to make fun of others.
lofl clorf lork
by Birdy March 8, 2004
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A mix between LOL and ROFL, which means "Laughing on the floor laughing"
Peter: That chick is so hott!
Mac: LOFL dude, she's butt!
by Chrisssssss Condon March 2, 2007
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Lofl, originally created by ME but stolen by the evil internet n00b community.
People THINK it means stuff like; lie on floor laughing, loves orally fucking linda etc etc but it ACTUALLY means: Lots of floor laughter.

From a combination of lol and rofl and randomess.

yourmaw: And then she was all; god you are such a n00b, so i shot her head off.
yourmawsmaw: LOFL! You crack me up man.
by Conner Geddes July 19, 2007
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