1. Someone who is addicted to masturbation.
2. A horny monkey.
1. Man, he whacks off every night... He's such a Jackoff Monkey!
2. That Jackoff Monkey is humping my leg!
by MSN March 29, 2006
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The act of masturbating while sitting in a circle with other people.
The party boys enjoyed their circle jackoff after watching pornography on the laptop.
by Alfred G. Wong February 19, 2006
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A person (usually a man) who is good at masturbation, but since that rudimentary skill requires no particular training, it's usually used to mean someone who has no particular skills at anything beyond masturbation. An American way to designate a "wanker."
"Bob says he's an air-guitar artist."

"Bob is a jackoff artist at best. I'm not even sure he can perform air-guitar."
by al-in-chgo April 1, 2013
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A person who playes FPS(first person shooters) nonstop, and jackoff whenever they get a headshot.
"BOOM HEADSHOT! OMFG nUb I H34DSH07 j0! I am the best in the world! I'm deff not usin H4X!"
"man not another jackoff headshot....."

"dude this server sucks theres too many jackoff headshots"
by Doom27 May 14, 2006
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When a man obsessively strokes his facial hair beard, mustache while in conversation with others.
My coworker loves to face jackoff during our staff meetings.
by FunnyIAmama February 7, 2018
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The act of masturbation during jumping jacks, usually performed by alternating hands each jump.
Guy 1: Why didn't you go to the gym yesterday? You're going to get fat.
Guy 2: No I'm not, I stayed at home and did jumping jackoffs. I was so tired afterward.
by Iforgot911 January 11, 2009
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A large machine in which one lays under the main body of it and a metal cylinder is placed around the pecker.And when its turned on the cylinder moves up and down and jacks you off and can be make to go extremely fast.
Guys are sometimes forced to get in it as a punishment.
He's in the Jackoff machine.
by Judge dredd7 November 8, 2011
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