182 definitions by al-in-chgo

1) Stretched out or lying flat with one's face to the ground; or

2) Exhausted, enervated, lacking in will or energy.

Not to be confused with "prostate" (one 'r'), the interior male sexual gland responsible for about two-thirds of the volume of male ejaculate (semen).
"All hail the power of Jesus' name, let angels prostrate fall...." (18th-Century Protestant hymn).

by al-in-chgo March 6, 2010
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Literary slang for "came" (or "cummed")," or "had orgasm." The anti-hero in Anthony Burgess' dystopian novel, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (played by Malcolm McDowell in the movie) 'broke and spattered' at the end of intercourse.
"So I was doing my girlfriend, and I had been humping away for about half an hour -- "

"Dude, you have great discipline. I would have broke and spattered after five minutes!"

by al-in-chgo March 12, 2010
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from car TRUNK + trick OR TREAT. A style of Halloween trick or treating where children solicit candy and other goodies not from households but from car trunks in an entertainment style similar to tailgating. Trunk or treating has its origins in late 1990s Utah but has since spread to some other locales, generally small towns or suburbs in the Midwest and South. To host a trunk-or-treat event, a sponsoring entity (usually a local church) will offer its parking lot on Halloween afternoon and evening. Participants agree to bring their cars and stock the trunks with candy. A growing custom, there are now websites devoted to explaining the ritual and offering tips for decorating car trunks in Halloween themes.
"Jimmy won't be home 'til almost dark. He's going to trunk or treat with friends."

"Do you mean trick or treat?"

"No, trunk or treat. The kids go to church parking lots and get their candy from the parents' car trunks."

"The younger generation has it too easy, if you ask me."
by al-in-chgo November 2, 2013
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Utah fry sauce (also "fry sauce") is a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup in a 2:1 ratio generally meant for dipping french fries and onion rings, although it can be put on hamburgers. It is attributed to the Utah-based fast-food chain Arctic Circle ca. 1948. However, it also resembles a simplified version of pre-existing Thousand Island dressing. According to Wikipedia, similar sauces are widely known elsewhere, including "mayoketchup" in Puerto Rico, "Burger Sauce," "Pink Sauce" (also "Salsa Rosada" in S. American countries), even "Cockteilsauce."
Provo drive-through loudspeaker: "Would you like _eye _oss with that, Sir?"

Out-of-town customer: "What?"

Loudspeaker: "Utah fry sauce, Sir? Or maybe you'd prefer ketchup? ... Or both?"

Out-of-town customer: "That's fine, thanks."
by al-in-chgo April 28, 2014
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Stands for "Mile-High Club - Solo Aviator Division."

Means jacking off on an airplane in flight. Usually done in toilet cubicle or underneath an airplane blanket. An elaboration on Mile High Club that has long meant sexual congress on an airplane.

Abbreviation: "SAD."

"You mean some people are so hot to join the Mile High Club that they'll fly solo?"

"You mean, join the Solo Aviator Division? That's SAD! (chuckles). As a flight attendant, I see all sorts of things, like splooge in the unisex toilets the last visitor didn't even clean up. And you wouldn't believe what goes on under those airline blankets."

"Yuck! Now I know why they're so skanky. Thanks for the warning."

by al-in-chgo March 7, 2010
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Old-fashioned prison slang for a dominant male homosexual "top," especially in his relationship with a submissive "bottom," aka punk.

Warden describing a prison killing: "Just two jockers fighting over a punk." IN COLD BLOOD, Truman Capote, 1966.

by al-in-chgo June 3, 2010
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A softcore gay erotic magazine or stroke book is allowed to show a man with an erection. But any other person nearby can only admire; no touching or penetration allowed. Nor can the tumescent model touch his own genitals although he could, for example, tweak one of his own nipples.

Interestingly, such softcore magazines are now at symbiosis with what most prisons (or penitentiarys) allow their prisoners in the way of pornography. Gay prison porn is gay softcore porn, and gay softcore porn is gay prison porn. The rules are similar for non-gay porn and female nude models.

"You know what's killing off the softcore magazines?"

"Vids, of course."

"Yes, and not only that but video goes hardcore (or XXX) all the time -- even amateurs do it!"

"Yup -- cumshots all over the place in gay and straight videos alike; all it takes is a home video camera and a minimum of Internet expertise."

by al-in-chgo March 5, 2010
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