182 definitions by al-in-chgo
1. Abbreviation for University of California at Los Angeles.
2. Upper Corner of Lower Abingdon, an irreverent nickname for Viginia Highlands Community College (Abingdon, Virginia) in the southwestern part of the state near Bristol.
2. Upper Corner of Lower Abingdon, an irreverent nickname for Viginia Highlands Community College (Abingdon, Virginia) in the southwestern part of the state near Bristol.
by al-in-chgo February 23, 2010
1) Stretched out or lying flat with one's face to the ground; or
2) Exhausted, enervated, lacking in will or energy.
Not to be confused with "prostate" (one 'r'), the interior male sexual gland responsible for about two-thirds of the volume of male ejaculate (semen).
1) Stretched out or lying flat with one's face to the ground; or
2) Exhausted, enervated, lacking in will or energy.
Not to be confused with "prostate" (one 'r'), the interior male sexual gland responsible for about two-thirds of the volume of male ejaculate (semen).
"All hail the power of Jesus' name, let angels prostrate fall...." (18th-Century Protestant hymn).
"All hail the power of Jesus' name, let angels prostrate fall...." (18th-Century Protestant hymn).
by al-in-chgo March 6, 2010
A contributor or lurker who, out of envy, spite or misplaced rectitude, combs through another contributor's list of words in order to deliberately give each one a "Down" thumb without considering any potential usefulness such words might have.
-- "Santa Claus? I don't get it, Kurt, who is against Santa Claus?"
-- "Poor ol' Burt, it looks like you've been the victim of the dumb thumb down. Check out your other entries to see if you got flamed there, too."
-- "Poor ol' Burt, it looks like you've been the victim of the dumb thumb down. Check out your other entries to see if you got flamed there, too."
by al-in-chgo August 23, 2011
A sudden but violent outburst of a person shouting, screaming recriminations and (possibly) wailing, generally short-lived but shocking.
"Hissy fit" used to describe an adult tantrum but now has become an equal opportunity description, young or old, male or female. What they all have in common is no matter how severe the (alleged) offense, there is always some wounded pride involved, and usually an audience of bystanders along with the culprit who allegedly triggered the hissy.
"Hissy fit" used to describe an adult tantrum but now has become an equal opportunity description, young or old, male or female. What they all have in common is no matter how severe the (alleged) offense, there is always some wounded pride involved, and usually an audience of bystanders along with the culprit who allegedly triggered the hissy.
-- "When I told Sarah she couldn't have the doll, she broke down and pitched a major hissy fit. Right there in the toy department at Target!"
--"So when Joe got fired, all he did was throw a hissy fit out in the hall? Terrible. REAL men used to slug each other."
--"She freaked! She had a hissy! She thinks you're the cat's meow." 'Farmer Ted' (Anthony Michael Hall) in movie SIXTEEN CANDLES (1984), describing the Molly Ringwald character's sudden infatuation with a boy two years her senior.
--"So when Joe got fired, all he did was throw a hissy fit out in the hall? Terrible. REAL men used to slug each other."
--"She freaked! She had a hissy! She thinks you're the cat's meow." 'Farmer Ted' (Anthony Michael Hall) in movie SIXTEEN CANDLES (1984), describing the Molly Ringwald character's sudden infatuation with a boy two years her senior.
by al-in-chgo February 26, 2010
Piss Hard-On (or Hardon):
A graphic way to describe the male condition of waking up with a very stiff erection coupled with a need to urinate.
The leading causes of this syndrome are thought to be:
1) a full bladder rubs against the prostate gland which then arouses the rest of a man's sexual machinery as though getting ready for intercourse; or the more recent theory, that
2) during a routine night's sleep, a man will have four or five erections but usually they don't awaken him. This is probably the body's way of running "routine diagnostic checks" on his various systems, including sexual readiness. The one that wakes you up either because it's time to wake up or because you're dying to go to the bathroom is the P.H-O.
A graphic way to describe the male condition of waking up with a very stiff erection coupled with a need to urinate.
The leading causes of this syndrome are thought to be:
1) a full bladder rubs against the prostate gland which then arouses the rest of a man's sexual machinery as though getting ready for intercourse; or the more recent theory, that
2) during a routine night's sleep, a man will have four or five erections but usually they don't awaken him. This is probably the body's way of running "routine diagnostic checks" on his various systems, including sexual readiness. The one that wakes you up either because it's time to wake up or because you're dying to go to the bathroom is the P.H-O.
I hate the term "Piss Hard-On". It's ugly. Much better to me are "morning wood" or the evocative "morning glory," which is the term we used in the (USA) South.
For a funny look at how difficult it is to pee with an erection, look at the DVD outtakes of Steve Carrel's movie THE FORTY-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN.
For a funny look at how difficult it is to pee with an erection, look at the DVD outtakes of Steve Carrel's movie THE FORTY-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN.
by al-in-chgo February 24, 2010
Stage name of an absolutely magnificent physical specimen, male, American, ca. 25 y.o., whose persona is that of a muscular but not veiny boxer (prize-fighter) and who has appeared in a number of sexually explicit photo shoots and videos, often if not usually gay.
On first appearing in gay pornography ca. 2008, Ferelli maintained that he was only gay for pay. He has, however, bottomed in many of his gay sex videos. In the opinion of this writer, Ferelli can do anything he wishes except go away. His virility is beyond mere fashion.
On first appearing in gay pornography ca. 2008, Ferelli maintained that he was only gay for pay. He has, however, bottomed in many of his gay sex videos. In the opinion of this writer, Ferelli can do anything he wishes except go away. His virility is beyond mere fashion.
-- "Vince Ferelli is the quintessential 'Italian Stallion' -- forget about the others."
-- "I don't know whether to fight him or fuck him." Allegedly said by prize-fighter Jake LaMotta (played by Robert deNiro in Martin Scorcese's 1980 film RAGING BULL) regarding his upcoming bout with handsome French heavyweight Marcel Cerdan (late 1940s).
-- "I don't know whether to fight him or fuck him." Allegedly said by prize-fighter Jake LaMotta (played by Robert deNiro in Martin Scorcese's 1980 film RAGING BULL) regarding his upcoming bout with handsome French heavyweight Marcel Cerdan (late 1940s).
by al-in-chgo August 17, 2011
1) What East Texans call a Cajun.
2) What East Texans call an East Texas Cajun, as opposed to a Louisiana Cajun.
3) Any Cajun, though increasingly term is considered derogatory.
2) What East Texans call an East Texas Cajun, as opposed to a Louisiana Cajun.
3) Any Cajun, though increasingly term is considered derogatory.
-- Did you know that Cajuns in East Texas are called "coonasses"?
-- "Who says?"
-- "My cousin Bubba, from Beaumont."
-- "Who says?"
-- "My cousin Bubba, from Beaumont."
by al-in-chgo June 15, 2013