(archaic) Expresses agreement or solidarity with another.
1st Panther: "My dashiki and enormous afro are devices which assist me in mau-mauing whitey."
2nd Panther: "Right on, brother!"
by bizook March 21, 2003
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1) Damn nigga, you see that bitch?
2) Yeah homie, that ass is right
1) I bet I can hit
2) Nigga please
by N.I.G.G.A. April 8, 2005
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A sarcastic version of agreeing with someone about an argument.
"I ran out the door and there were 200 cows on my front lawn" -Derek

"right." -Sean
by Joe November 8, 2004
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A word you use when you're sort of indifferent to what a person is telling you. Often used as a bland filler in conversations. Frequently used in the phrases "I know right?" and "Right on!". Occasisonally said in a sarcastic manner.
1.)Shelley: So then Tony was all "I've always loved you forever" and isn't he the cutest? And I know we'll always be together, and isn't he the greatest? And you think he's hot don't you and oh yeah you still don't have a boyfriend but don't you think tony's the cutest?

Me: Right. (secretly rolling my eyes)

2.)Ryan: Jeez, that Shelley chik just goes on and on about herself and her pretentious boyfriend Tony.

Me: I know right?

3.)Shelley: Hey guess what? Tony's related to the Olson twins! Isn't that amazing?

Me: Oh, right on! (secretly thinking "NOT")
by lexeeeeeee May 29, 2007
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Shortened form of "I know, right." Used to indicate agreement, often on such a level as to question the need for the statement being agreed to
"That guy tried to Lars me in court today!"
by boffus July 16, 2003
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