Acronym for "Snatch of Cunts", "Snatch" being the accepted collective noun for Cunts.
As in:

Gaz: "Those blokes are a Snatch of Cunts"
Baz: "SoCs, every last one of them!"
by Pweeta December 29, 2018
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Person 1: haha Thts to funny
Person 2: lmsoco (laughing my soc off)
by 12344321hello2986 December 10, 2018
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Acronym for 'Shooting Occupied Clothing'

A term coined from police work, when a gang member, frequent criminal or another deserving person is shot.

Officer 1: There was another shooting, two gang members capped each other last night.

Officer 2: No loss! Is a SOC crime.
by kevinjanko July 11, 2008
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Do we have a lot of socs homework?
by holyroman April 18, 2005
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Hitting the social media hard after being offline for a few hours.
Right after school I have to pound the soc, sometimes right in front of other people.
by Fine Wine-y October 23, 2022
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Ignoring real life activities and people in order to mindlessly scroll strangers on social media platforms
Look at Tim over the pound the soc instead of singing karaoke with the rest of the group.
by 🐚🛎️ October 21, 2023
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