Zoe: This chicken is good!
Paul: um, that's alligator. Actually.
Zoe: Ew!
by Van Wampler February 4, 2009
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Commonly referred to as swamp ass, this is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Most commonly infected are athletic males and the obese. This disease is caused by an insufficient wipe of the anus after a poo, and later exposure of the dingleberries to the intense heat generated in the sauna, that is an ass crack. Athletic activity or fatness can intensify the moist heat generated in anal cavity, thus increasing the potency of the alligators.
Symptoms of alligators include monsterous dingleberries resembling alligators, a slick sweaty sensation between the ass cheeks, and in severe cases, a bog-like, swampy stench eminating from the backside. The Afghani Sauna effect.
It should be noted that attractive females are immune to alligators being as they dont go poop, and therefore don't get dingleberries.
Tom: Dude I've got some wicked alligators crawlin' around in my butt right now.
Jose: Si senor. You should try to wipe next time.

Fat Man: Bla! Im so fat I can't wipe my ass! Now I have alligators.

Hot Chick: I don't get alligators cuz i doon't poop. Yay!
by Mahmoud Amidemajad March 23, 2008
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A poop that is so big that part of it sticks out of the toilet water.
by Maisu Danim February 20, 2010
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A way of saying goodbye to a beloved friend. Used as a shortened term for "Later alligator!".
by nightsimp January 1, 2022
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When two females engage in the act of scissoring and lock arms and one female takes dominance and rolls like an alligator killing a gazel
Sam totally alligatored me lastnight, shit was wild

Alligatoring is such a workout, leaves me limping around after everytime
by Sammisosaa September 6, 2018
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A green, scaly otter that has learned to climb fences. Typically lives in Louisiana and Florida. Soon, they will start to climb trees and then climb into windows...
by Mister Hyena August 4, 2018
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Line of men engaged in anal sex, if enough participate then can be in a circle with the first penetrating the last.
There were 5 of us so I said 'Hey lets do an alligator'
by APriesty October 15, 2009
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