Used in place of "swag". Derived from the lyrics of "Mercy" by Kanye West, it is commonly slipped into conversation in response to a "Ballin'" remark.

Original context:
"Lamborghini Mercy, Your chick she so thirsty, I’m in that two seat Lambo with your girl she tryna jerk me"
"Ayo, I hit dat last night"
by Natalie Blake June 25, 2012
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Is a compressed form of saying words like swear (which is another way of saying "Oh, I see. That's quite interesting") or say word, which if you say swerve in the right manner, it sounds like say word.
1) Man 1: I totally went balls deep in that fat black chick last night.
Man 2: Swerve!

2) Man 1: What's up buddy?
Man 2: I just did a butt chug!
Man 1: Swweeerrvvveeee.
by BeefyHamilton March 9, 2014
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To swerve someone is to reject their advances on you.
Ryan just swerved Angela when she was trying to get up all on her by telling her off.
by cZ Alpha November 26, 2017
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A stupid, idiotic, annoying catch phrase repeated over and over by certain moronic individuals with nothing better to do.
Swerve! Swerve! Swerve! Swerve!
by Tsilleceht April 21, 2013
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A person that you don't want to associate with. Someone who has sold out.
by Zaimejs December 9, 2011
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Song by D-Ca$h and Dj Moreau Murphy
Nigga 1:Dude did you hear fucking Moreau murphy's new shit its off the hook

Nigga 2:No dude ill go check it out

Nigga 1:You better bitch #Swerve
by Nigaroni July 28, 2012
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1. (v) to trick; to fool; to send for a loop
2. (n) the act of being tricked
1. The identity thief swerved everyone.
2. That was a funny swerve.
by Marchant July 23, 2004
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