Derogatory term used for someone (usually a male) who acts in an exceptionally corny or cheesy manner. Often used after a disastrous attempt at being romantic.

Josh: Your eyes are like the summer wind, Tanya

Tanya: Nice try, Cornelius
by ado potato November 19, 2007
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curling one out into a male mans mouth, then he swallows it whilst rubbing his nipplets.
"oh judas, your amazins at giving me a cornelius!"
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A beautiful man. Normally dates a chocolate man. Armando is not named that but is typically called that by many people. Extremely sarcastic, but nice once you meet them personally. Friends with many girls and called gay.
by TheRealist1031 January 17, 2018
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a variety of fecal matter that has chunks of partially-digested corn in it, made popular by the name of one of Mr. Hanky's "nuggets" from South Park.
-keep pushing!
-I'm pushing as hard as I can!
-here, I see the head!
-It's coming!
-Aw Man, it's not mr. hanky, it's just Cornelius...
by Morningwood February 3, 2007
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A child, usually under the age of twelve, who possesses qualities of Cornelian nature. Such qualities include a bowl haircut, horridly pale skin, ugly glasses, awkward posture, disgusting childlike habits, and the occasional doodoo that protrudes from the rear.
Tom, did you see that Cornelius skipping down that hill in his highwater cargo pants with a skidmark on the back eating a ring pop?

Look at the Cornelius over there with Oreo cookie crumbs around his mouth smiling at Prudence across the room?

Wow, you can see a perfect outline of that Cornelius' butt through his overalls ski pants.

by Eudipidus March 17, 2009
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Cornelius is typically rich,cute, and conceited. They don't really care about what people think. People Often Are Jealous towards them. Cornelius is a Tall Flurtstious person that Loves Sex But hates relationships.
Girl#1: Girl Who is that!
Girl#2: That's Cornelius Sexy ass.
Girl#1: PMO I want Him in my bed tonight.
by Drosekdman March 14, 2017
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In every way a perfect Man. A loving and sexy beast. Everyone is afraid of, except for the girls. That my friend, is Wolf Cornelius
" Aw man, my girl is cheating on me!"
" With whom? Kick his ass! "
" Nah man, I can't, he's Wolf Cornelius"
by Ineedmoremoneyandpizza December 12, 2015
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