Any stimuli causing an erection.
The movie sucked, but Scarlett Johansson goes topless, so it's total dick starch.
by LungBubbles February 18, 2017
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A noise made when starchy foods are stirred that resembles the sounds of sex.
My Mac and cheese makes this weird starch stickle sound.
by Dick stickle December 15, 2022
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A twenty-something female whose body looks good now, but is poised to increase in size after she gets married and no longer feels she needs to keep herself thin.
Yeah, she's hot, but look at those hips and tummy... She's a starch bomb that'll go off in five years, tops.
by Pilotbreath September 18, 2010
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Ejaculate on protruding ruffled inner folds of skin of the external female genitalia (labia minora).
Her starched doily was dripping ejaculate.
by Lee Metcalfe March 19, 2007
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When a guy cums in his underwear and it dries leaving a stiff and crunch garment.
Billy was made to stay after class by his French teacher and walked out with starched shorts.
by Enlightener1 September 14, 2018
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farts from eating to many mash potatoes, normally has mild to low scent. fart tip of the day mashpotoes starch stench is encased, only when you clap near your ass will the fart smell
(steve is driving on highway tom in passenger seat)
tom- we should get off at exit 29
steve-i just farted
tom- how come i dont smell it
steve- starch fart
tom- gottcha
by rawdogkilla November 10, 2013
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The term used to describe a man's yeast infection.
I think I should get this checked out, I have cock starch so bad I could open up a pizzeria.
by WednesdayLynn October 16, 2016
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