1. a mixture of a slut and a bitch
2. a girl who is both slutty and bitchy
"i can't believe she stole your boyfriend!"
"i know, she's such a slitch."
by ideababy123 June 9, 2009
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That Janice is one nasty little slitch, I hope she dies painfully.
by HJ Moul December 19, 2002
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Someone who is both a slut and a bitch.

First used by Monica Davila of Corpus Christi, Texas.
My manager at work is a real slitch.
by Pat Robinson December 16, 2003
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noun. A general derogatory appellation for an adult female. This is current women’s prison slang used in Kansas, Missouri, and probably elsewhere. Slitch is a portmanteau (blend of two words; I don’t really like using "portmanteau", but I didn’t want anyone to suspect I didn’t know it, so I had to use it; “Blend” is simpler) of the two words slut and bitch.

A slitch can be a snitch and visa-versa, but the two words are different.

As with many derogatory words, the term slitch can also be used contrarily in a familiar fashion, as in “I love you, my little slitch”.
That heartless slitch doesn't care about anyone but herself.
by Nehmo November 12, 2011
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A golf swing that results in your ball hooking to the right.

Also a slutty bitch
I went golfing and slitched at least once on every hole.

She fucks everyone, what a slitch.
by william carr April 12, 2006
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God, that girl is such a ugly fat slitch.
by keju March 29, 2009
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women love this, word when you get home from work tonight say "whats up Slitch" and see what a fine response you get from your wife/chic
by santa killer July 27, 2007
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