The state of being inebriated, stupid, careless, and straight up dumb. Drugs, specifically marijuana, and alcohol lead to very easy,comical, silly, and embarassed sherms(N)who are usually unaware of their sherm-like actions.
"That corona had Rachel shermed."
by Jiggaboo12 May 28, 2008
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Somebody that is clingy and extremely difficult to get rid of. This person (the sherm) probably likes you and thinks you are his/her best freind. You can get rid of the sherm somewhat by passing the sherm on to someone else. However you will owe this person big time for passing the sherm on to them. If you ever manage to get rid of the sherm completely they will probably end up hating you.

In Space Jam, Michael Jordan calls Stan(the annoying guy) a sherm.
" Am I the sherm?" (usually said with a sad face because nobody wants to be a sherm)

Person 1-"We need to get rid of sherm... or at least find some more people for her to hang out with "
Person 2-"Hey, i got rid of sherm. Shes your problem now."
Person 1-"UGH..."
by blindiannumb4 December 14, 2009
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an annoying asshole.
child molester, rapist.
a cocky egotistical prick who thinks he is the bomb, but EVERYONE hates him. he has no life.
hey stop being a sherme and take ur dingdong out of that little boys arse.
by 05campma June 3, 2003
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A sherm is a little bug that could be used to describe a crackhead or someone you dont like. Popularly said by bald people who also use the phrase "shot"
Davo: is that the guy that stole my Juul?
Mylo: yes davo. Hes a Sherm stealing from you
by Baldy M March 28, 2019
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someone who never leaves there house except to smoke weed and then imminently return there to sherm out.
Marcus doolan is a sherm
by mcfez December 16, 2013
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