It is an italian acronym which means "porco dio", frequently used in chat room or text.
Mario, dovv'è la bamba pd!?
by Lulz1911 July 7, 2011
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Police Department
by JustxLilly September 30, 2019
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Short for “pretty dope”.
Dude these cheese fries are PD.”
by Sarahacha_sauce September 12, 2019
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this is a emotion or a smiley face as some call it that represents french kissing or makeing out
Dude 1: did u make out with her?

Dude 2: uhh.. yea dude

Dude 1: when?

Dude 2: in the ferris wheel :pd:
by Danielle D June 27, 2007
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I got some PD last night and it was amazing, he fucked like a beast but was sweet and caring.
by 1234321234321 June 18, 2011
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PD is basically an abbreviation of "Pussy Destroyer"
PD is normally added after a person's name to declare their dominance of "pussies" ( also called a vagina )
Hey, look at Huy PD. Oh hello Huy PD, it certainly is a nice day today.
by VeeZero September 9, 2012
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it means "Porco Dio!!", Curse word used many times in Italian, it's used to offend "god" or "lord", the translation in English could be: "omfg" or "fucking god", but in Italian it literally means: "God is a pig" or "Pig God", sometimes the "pig word" can be replaced with any other animal, the dog it's used more often.
porco dio (pd) ho perso di nuovo! -> omfg (which could significate pd) i lost again!
by kr4ne July 17, 2015
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