When a person and/or persons are reluctant to make the correct decision although they know it is for their benefit.

b. Being able to come to a conclusion and not agreeing with the answer.

c. Ignoring common sense.

d. The inability to think clearly due to lack of encouragement.
Maybe if you get your head out of your ass you could actually do the work right.

You really need to get that "Head In Ass Syndrome" treated before they fire you.

Hi my name is ________, and i suffer from HIAS.
by theMIAdude June 9, 2009
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When you wake up and randomly headbutt your wall
I got such a wicked erection from watching some fine hentai and passed out. When I woke up there was cum dripping down my hands and then all the sudden I put my head through the fucking wall! That's when I found out I had Head To Wall Syndrome (HTWS) after taking my head out of the wall.
by YO YO YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO September 19, 2019
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When there is a little person in the back of your head that keeps making you worry about things. This is not meant to be some sort of mental condition and is instead a concept. A way of personifying your anxieties into a sort of anxiety demon. This is incredibly useful as it allows you to tell said personified anxieties, to fuck off. The acronym of this is LPITBOYHS which fits perfectly as we want all of our anxiety demons to go into a pit, from which they will never return.
I use Little-Person-In-The-Back-Of-Your-Head-Syndrome. My anxiety demon is named Kevin and I fucking hate him.
by SirWorringtonBartholomewJacobs February 26, 2023
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A disease in humans that causes the victim to believe that everything they say or do is ultimately correct.

Symptoms may include arrogance, aggressive behavior, self imposing of deity-like traits, and in some rare cases, jaundice. More case studies reveal that IHS can be linked to anxiety, eating disorders, and other mental health disorders that are similar to ADHD.
Person 1: I've come to ignore President Trump's bravado, mostly because of my belief that he has inflatable head syndrome.
Person 2: Well maybe you have it too!
by robthesaxplayer November 17, 2018
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someone who's hair is plastered to there head, Unwashed stinky hair
Yo Jimmy over there has Plaster head syndrome, its fucking disgusting like wash your head
by RokPilot April 20, 2023
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When one of the bois is acting off due to a deficiency in oral sex
Poor Wyatt has no head syndrome, he hasn’t had any in years
by Binger864 May 25, 2022
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When one of the bois is lacking towards one another due to a deficiency of head
Wyatt has no head syndrome, he hasn’t head any in years.
by Binger864 May 25, 2022
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