that guy is a mozzy
by joe cool December 11, 2003
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"Mate, these mozzie's are terrible!"
"Calm down baby, have some cheese"
by thatdude327 October 8, 2011
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Mozzie: A dance move created on hoverboards. Rider moves back and forth with riders arms extended like they are flying.
USES: "Let me see you mozzie to this song"
by Lickity Split 1 May 9, 2016
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A vagina (according to this wierd play i'm doing).
You are a mozzy face
by Steve Graham October 3, 2003
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term for mozzarella sticks that specifically satiate either an unexpected, aggressive or very casual appetite
Dude, I'm not that hungry but I could be down for some mozzy boys.
Yall, I've been waiting on some mozzy boys all day. Can we please go eat?!
by darrenxix June 14, 2023
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A really shitty rainbow six siege player would be referred to as a poopy mozzie for their lack of skill in the game, including while playing as the operator “Mozzie”.
Insingod is a poopy mozzie. I can’t believe that he lost us this game.
by Richeesimo June 22, 2020
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A shortened and cooler version of pronouncing mozzarella Sticks.
Person 1: Yo those elongated pieces of battered or breaded mozzarella are the shit!
Person 2: You mean Mozzy Sticks?
Person 1: that's dope fam.
by TheTri-Pod August 15, 2017
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