The best text based web browser known to man. Lynx is very useful on any unix based computer because a gui does not belong on any unix based computers (except for all of the noob mac users who pay for is named FREEbsd for a reason...sigh), which leaves us with lynx.
my hosting customer has the most rotten pr0n site 3\/4r! zomg!!! *shudders...truly rotten! i do not want to be scarred for life by browsing his site where i can see pictures so i use lynx instead; it is especially useful when connected to the server it is being hosted on.
by jeffrey<3unix December 2, 2007
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A former great gamer, the name formed from a can of deadorant. Since retired. LyNx was great at the game Deathball.
"LyNx m8 wana 5v5 war vs AoV ?"
"Nah, wanking :("
by Matthew Smith March 2, 2005
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British, pungent, foul-smelling spray underarm deodorant with many stupidly named variations, called "axe" in the USA
Lynx voodoo is a stupider name for a deodorant than Lynx gravity, but only just.
by Slyph February 20, 2005
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a attractive older female or MILF whom you want to have sex with but has no interest in you, or younger men
Ray: Yo Johnny, I'd love to hit that milf right quick.
Johnny: No go bro. I already tried that. Bitch is a total lynx.
by jauffre069 December 6, 2009
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bronze tanning oil compliments the eloquence of nonconsensual fornications between the common chad, an inclination to promptly post partial nudes to blindly spite the haters, a diathesis known for drunken fights following the hasty consumption of cocaine is the only acquisition for glassy wakeboarding conditions and leathery skinned females aboard their several thousand yachts inherited from their condescending parental units. king sizemorris is the prestigious pimp above all else. the western ewing advocates procreation by deliberate means of statutory rape. current residence of followers abounded by the lofty ego's of cox high school's finest monster fans.
that new lynx sticker on your lexus really rocks
by innocuous facts January 2, 2011
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An older gay male who preys upon younger gay men for relationships or sexual encounters. The gay male equivalent of a cougar.
We classify him as a lynx because he is too old for his partners.
by DA GEMINI January 30, 2010
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A kick-ass joker at xerosix, AO, and PI forums. A true gentleman to all the ladies, possessed of a harem of at least 10 girls.

see Don Juan and/or bootymate.
If someone's laughing, it's probably Lynx's fault.
by C December 5, 2003
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