When the presenter of a PowerPoint presentation is reading straight off the slide and not expanding on what is written.
"She's just reading straight off the slide! She may as well let us read it rather than read it out to us - it's PowerPoint Karaoke, I tells ya!"
by TeRRa4 October 21, 2011
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A new craze wherein folks bring their goats to a karaoke bar, get shit-faced and then reach a point where they are completely unselfconscious on the stage doing a duet with the goat.
Let’s go my fun loving little grass monkey, we got our goat karaoke tonight!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 20, 2019
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Somebody who lurks around the karaoke singing area and insists upon singing along with the singer whether they like/need/want the pigeon to or not. Similar to a pigeon that won't leave you alone if you have food.
Bill is such a scavenging karaoke pigeon, he has been a back-up singer for the last 7 songs.
by Sonya_Begonia November 10, 2007
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The inability to listen to a song without singing aloud.
She's got karaoke syndrome band, she sings every song she hears.
by Something915 August 25, 2010
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Similar to regular karaoke, but in this version each participant takes to the microphone without any foreknowledge as to what song they will be performing and must complete said song whether they know it or not. Best results are achieved on at-home karaoke machines where discs can be inserted and played completely at random.
Really, kamikaze karaoke!?! I got stuck singing fucking Wham again? Really!?!
by Mayor of Can City May 21, 2008
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A bunch of drunk guys singing obnoxiously loud to classic songs. This group of drunk men (and sometimes women) stand upon a table with drinks in hand. This is commonly in the form of an old coffee table, pool table, or kitchen table. The songs are usually by Billy Joel, David Bowie, or Journey.
We were so drunk last night the Karaoke Club broke the table!
by sailerr October 10, 2008
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When one sings karaoke and acts like the person who sings the original version of the song
Guy 1: "Dude, you wanna do karaoke tonight?"
Guy 2: "Sure. But not if you're gonna sing 'I Can't Get No Satisfaction' and dance around or sing 'Wonderwall' while leaning into the mic with your hands behind your back! I hate Method Karaokeing!"
Guy 1: "How about I sing 'Won't Get Fooled Again' and I swing the mic lead around?"
by The Rhys May 4, 2009
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