Jules is a hunky piece of man-flesh who also happens to be a genuine, fun-loving guy who makes people laugh on a daily basis. He is a Rick Grimes fanboy, dedicated enough to grow a beard to impersonate him on muck up day, favourite colour is islamic green. He is a definitely a one-of-a-kind kind of guy who really cannot be defined.
Wow, I've found myself a Jules.
by puglover09 May 13, 2015
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A cute and short nickname for Julie, Julia, Julietta, Juliet, Julianna, etc.
Adam: Hey Julie!
Julie: I SAID, call me Jules.
Adam: Oh alright, Hey Jules!

(wow what a retarded example : )
by BBY J June 20, 2005
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She is sweet, calm and beautiful with the Most amazing hair. Most of the time she is very nice and willing to help everyone all the time but If you cross her she can be mean. She is also very into sports and down for every adventure. She is a amazing sister and friend!
Whos that helpful Girl?

Oh, thats Jule!
by fantastic-paula December 5, 2021
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jule is the most genuine, sweetest, loveliest girl in the world. she is incredibly funny, smart and loving and the bestest friend in the world. she's understanding and always give you the feeling of being loved and cherished.

the way she cares for her friends is beautiful. she would do anything for them and always puts them first. sometimes you'll need to remind her to take care of herself, too. she's the best listener in the world.

despite what she says, she is the CUTEST girl ever. she's so pretty and beautiful and has the best style.
'See that Jule over there? Imma make her my wife.'

'Jule is the best friend you'll ever have'
by m9rkren January 30, 2020
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Hey Jules, would you put that beer down for a minute and take a bath, for chrissakes?
by Athena Kay April 12, 2004
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A bad-ass motherfucker who finally won an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement.
Jules exclaimed "About time motherfuckers!" as he grasped his Oscar and considered ramming it up Will Smith's ass for bitch slapping Chris Rock and taking him out of the spotlight.
by jbcoops April 3, 2022
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Is a cheat at pool, who is notorious for having 2 dinners.

Jules has fully sick Nike’s, and is known for his amazing jumping skills at the beach.
“Hey guys- WATCH THIS

*Jules’ jumps in fire pit at beach*
by CaptainMungo November 3, 2018
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