when you are getting your dick sucked and your about to bust a load, you slap the bitch in her face. She will look to the side and looks right back at you saying what the fuck. You than bust a load in her face and say i FSU or Fuck Shit Up.
when i asked derek how the party went last night with lisa he just answered i Fucked Shit Up FSU. I understood what he meant and walked away laughing.
by Pat Maygroyne May 9, 2009
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fuck shit up
fuck stuff up

you can come up with a million things. bit the main one is fuck shit up.

used when you don't really want to cuss because adults ate around or someone who doesn't wish to cuss
our teams stuff got messed up so fsu'd the other teams stuff
by butterflier95 March 20, 2010
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Remember the movie Step Brothers? Possibly the funniest movie ever created. In the movie they said "lets fuck shit up." FSU is an easier acromyn for the term "fuck shit up." Use this term to say your about to party, or just do anything awesome or fun.
We're about to FSU tonight.

Let's FSU at this party.
by ttimenikka June 16, 2010
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only the greatest NCAA football team to ever wear cleats and pads.

known for their great academics, sports, its numerous great athletes that have made it pro, and extremely hot women. Florida State University is by far the most superior college in the state of Florida, not to mention all of NCAA.
"FSU Football is gods gift to Florida"
by fsufan824 April 25, 2008
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