Stepping on and using every virtuous friend you could have had in your future only to be left with fake people just like you who are ready to rip your throat out just like you did to those friends you thought were lesser than you. Eep.
My ambition led me to be a huge people user who only cared about what I got from people not what I could give them to succeed in their lives. I need to keep my ambition in check.
by notjuggs_justAj March 11, 2022
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Ambition (the bad kind) is when someone will do anything to get what they desire.

Banana: Did you see the news?
Potato: Yeah. Something about some rich dudes friend killing him because the friend thought the rich dude was too ambitious.
Banana: I personally think the friend was ambitious.
Potato: Sometimes ambition changes the way people think, and make them do things that they will regret later on.
by SirLatinStudent November 18, 2021
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a name given to the number 1 advocate streamer on twitch
blonde ambition is awesome
by shaolinttv April 15, 2022
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When one finishes a beer and immediately wants another one, because when they start drinking they find it difficult to stop. Originally coined by Handsome B. Charming on Twitter in June of 2022.
I almost let my guard down and kissed my beautiful wife before I was hit with a wave of gentleman's ambition, and left the house in search of my one true love: another beer.
by Ambitious Gentleman June 17, 2024
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A gentleman indulging in a few more units of alcohol than what is necessarily considered healthy or socially acceptable. Also sometimes known as alcoholism
The gentleman's ambition had me so hungover I missed my trip down to the titanic
by June 15, 2024
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big or difficult aim, requiring lots of effort
that is the bold ambition of the great elephant census
by CHIKAKE June 1, 2017
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Typically ambition is a good thing, it's something that drives you to achieve your goals and improve yourself.

But blind ambition is when someone becomes so fixated in their ambitions that they ignore everything and everyone around them. They become blinded by their own ambition, or at least inflicted with tunnel vision. This causes them to neglect taking care of themselves and their relationships.
(Three friends, Carl, Joe, and Rick talking, sitting at a diner table. Carl is extremely tired and his clothes are messy)

Joe: Holy shit Carl, you look bad. You look like you haven't slept in 3 days, and your clothes are a mess. You okay there? What the hell happened? You gotta take care of yourself man!

Carl: Don't... matter. Yeah... I spent... eh... 3 days straight... without sleep... renovating... my coffee shop... so what? I have ambitions... Joe... it's gonna be... the best coffee shop in the whole city!

Rick: Hey Carl, we've been calling you over the last few days and you haven't responded until now. I get that you're trying to improve your business, but you can't let your blind ambition destroy your life!

Carl: Hey... shut up... screw you... I'm not gonna... let you... get in... my way... of... *Carl slumps down and falls asleep on the table*
by ngicecream March 27, 2023
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