6 definitions by ngicecream

In a sports match where one team is very far behind the other team, but manages to score point(s) very late in the game, despite the outcome already being obvious.

Most likely used in soccer/football where one team already has a huge advantage (5-0) and it's very late in the game (89th minute out of 90)
In Brazil v Germany's semi final match in the World Cup, Germany beat Brazil 7-1. Brazil scored their only goal in the 90th minute, making it a consolation goal because there was no way Brazil could change the outcome of the match (score 6 goals) in less than 1 minute.
by ngicecream August 15, 2021
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Taking care of routine business that's needed to keep the house in a good, livable state

in other contexts, it refers to the mundane logistical work that keeps an operation running smoothly
Oh you know I was just doing some housekeeping, cleaning up the kitchen counter after last nights party

I helped stock the grocery store aisles, it's not a great assignment but hey someone has to do it
by ngicecream October 21, 2022
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Typically ambition is a good thing, it's something that drives you to achieve your goals and improve yourself.

But blind ambition is when someone becomes so fixated in their ambitions that they ignore everything and everyone around them. They become blinded by their own ambition, or at least inflicted with tunnel vision. This causes them to neglect taking care of themselves and their relationships.
(Three friends, Carl, Joe, and Rick talking, sitting at a diner table. Carl is extremely tired and his clothes are messy)

Joe: Holy shit Carl, you look bad. You look like you haven't slept in 3 days, and your clothes are a mess. You okay there? What the hell happened? You gotta take care of yourself man!

Carl: Don't... matter. Yeah... I spent... eh... 3 days straight... without sleep... renovating... my coffee shop... so what? I have ambitions... Joe... it's gonna be... the best coffee shop in the whole city!

Rick: Hey Carl, we've been calling you over the last few days and you haven't responded until now. I get that you're trying to improve your business, but you can't let your blind ambition destroy your life!

Carl: Hey... shut up... screw you... I'm not gonna... let you... get in... my way... of... *Carl slumps down and falls asleep on the table*
by ngicecream March 27, 2023
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Used to describe a mean person who doesn't care about others and screws people over, maybe to get what they want, maybe for no reason at all other than to be a dick, to the point that a literal piece of shit would be better company
Karens who abuse their privilege to get what they want are POS
Dudes who put entire toilet paper rolls into public toilets to clog them are POS
by ngicecream August 25, 2021
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When a crowd stands up and gives someone extended and rapturous applause, usually after that person did something amazing
The orchestra received a standing ovation after their fantastic performance

Oh my god that dude just did 30 cartwheels in a row, he totally deserved that standing ovation (though his hands are probably about to fall off lol)
by ngicecream August 15, 2021
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Manufactured crises are when a person or a group cries out to others that something or someone is in danger from a different something or someone... when it really isn't. This is either because the claimed threat doesn't actually exist, or the claimed threat doesn't actually credibly threaten the thing that is purported to be threatened.

Unfortunately manufactured crises can be just as believable and seem just as real and dangerous as real crises when put together well. This especially goes if the reasoning behind manufactured crises plays to peoples' already existing prejudices and preconceptions about the things or other groups of people that are cast as being a threat.

Manufactured crises are frequently used in politics to rile up supporters and win over new ones. They often have a lot of overlap with conspiracy theories due to their shared nature of being untrue at their core. Hateful ideologies like antisemitism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc are also often propped up by manufactured crises that say that Jews/gays/foreigners/some other group are a threat to us, our family, our children, our country, our way of life, whatever.
ben: We've got to stop the gays. They're brainwashing and indoctrinating our children and turning them gay in our schools with all that diversity and inclusion bullcrap they're pushing! It's all part of their agenda!

chris: Simmer down, ben. Take a rational look at what's actually happening. Even if you feel uncomfortable around gay people, that whole bit about schools brainwashing children into being gay is nothing more than a manufactured crisis by right-wing leaders to rile you up. What schools are doing is teaching about the fact that queer people exist and that they should be respected the same as you would any other person. It's nowhere near being the "brainwashing" that the news pundits hype it up to be, and the goal certainly isn't to "turn our children gay".
by ngicecream July 7, 2023
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