Noun: The sensation of burning in the throat after smoking ganja.
omg I just smoked the biggest bowl, I have the Amazon Forest Fires
by ganjagrace February 24, 2021
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Od fire is when a female or male is so hot they kill the other person. It’s an overdose of such intense heat, the other person has died.
That blonde in the state of Washington is OD fire!
by Rix4 December 30, 2021
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An overdose of fire! They killed someone because they are so hot.
Od fire means the person is so hot and the heat is so intense they are killing the other person!
by Rix4 December 29, 2021
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A fire-adapted community is defined by the United States Forest Service as "a knowledgeable and engaged community in which the awareness and actions of residents regarding infrastructure, buildings, landscaping, and the surrounding ecosystem lessens the need for extensive protection actions and enables the community to safely accept fire as a part of the surrounding landscape."
Have you met those people living in the fire-adapted community?
by Bartman2k17 April 22, 2017
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where everyone ejaculates into a bottle and sets it on fire making a semen Molotov. You then throw it at an overweight drunken man and watch their fat ass dance all over the floor.
lets try a chumky fire-ball tonight.
by funnyman1112 March 11, 2022
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When you shove a m-80 up a girls ass and light it on fire
You she’s into fire cracking
by Big sexy789 March 10, 2019
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The art of lighting a girls pubes on fire and then putting the fire out with your cun
by Bobbies69 February 20, 2016
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