Cool, dope, awesome, etc...
John: man, i just saw that new b-ball movie, it was so boner. Or-
Wayne: that shirt is so boner!!!
by ProfessorSoggyBottom June 20, 2022
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The erection you get when you find a 20 dollar bill on the street
Tim found a 20 on the street the other day and got a throbbing rich man's boner
by Teddy Bund January 30, 2023
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The feeling of excitement or arousal when listening to a fantastic band piece. Marching shows for example
Band kid 1- Dude did you hear that marching band?!

Band kid 2- Oh yeah, dude it gave me a Band Boner
by Agent Pebble February 4, 2016
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Another name for raw oysters based on their aphrodisiac nature and the fact that they look and feel like slugs.
I would like a dozen of your finest boner slugs with cocktail sauce and lemon please.
by Tank44 September 3, 2015
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When 2 males get closer and closer to each other by maybe looking at rule34 or porn together they become your boner bro because you got hard together
Me and my boner bro read this hot fanfic
by Gayaura September 15, 2021
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Getting sexually excited while data mining and finding a new trend in data that was previously unknown
These new flow charts are giving me a raging data boner.

Did you see the curves of those ROI charts? They gave me a data boner.
by archwolf September 24, 2014
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"Holy shit, man! I have a chilly boner over that car!"
"The red hot chili peppers give me a red hot chilly boner!"
"Oh my god the 80s give me a chilly boner."
by Pseudomeg July 18, 2016
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