Sticking ones hand up anothers anus, as if putting a puppet on your hand, then proceeding to move hand in speaking motion while listening to partner scream like a muppet.
Sam was muppeting two girls last night like a puppet master, how he do that.
by spoofcake September 17, 2017
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1: Characters, people, or situations that are almost unreal.

2: Muppet like.
These people are muppet-tish hard to believe they walk around looking like that.
by Tattoo Kim 1.3 September 27, 2023
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A question, statement or meme about a moral panic subject (tobacco, guns, vaccination) postured as authoritative while exercising demonstrative or even hyperbolic ignorance of the subjects discussed initiating a feedback loop of ideological sock puppet responses.
Was on Facebook last night trying to explain to some 2A guy that open carry doesn't mean you don't store your other firearms safely while trying to explain to some anti gunner that the driver bits she found in the parking lot are not projectiles, got stuck in the Muppet Trap for 2 hours...
by Ur BOFH March 20, 2019
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Definition: a group of people extremely easy to manipulate, control, or exploit; a self-defeating or self-sabotaging rabble
Use: "Man, you guys folded quicker than a muppet plantation."
by biped4eyes May 18, 2018
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When you give someone a rimjob with a sock puppet.
That gir the other night took off her sock and gave me a Stinky Muppet.
by High G. Wrection March 27, 2019
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