When you laugh at every joke.
"I can laugh at anything"
"You're basically a Jimmy Fallon then"
by 3du April 19, 2019
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the act of denying one's existence.

to ignore someone completely
I heard you were jimmy shenning your ex.
Yeah man she's dead to me.
by JimmyShenned February 13, 2013
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A blowjob with a condom
I went to the hookers hotel room with hopes for a bbj, but I was disappointed pretty quickly when she grabbed the rubber to give me some jimmy head.
by Dogger Dude January 21, 2022
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He is the best, and the sexiest, guitarist in the world.
No one can emulate Jimmy Page.
by Ashlers March 30, 2008
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Your penis (prick, cock, dick, along, etc). Though used specifically when referring to using said member in a crafty way a la the Tom Hanks character.
Frankly I dont care if she is on the rag. A body like that Id slip her the ol Jimmy Dugan any damn way.
by AnalLazer August 14, 2019
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Cigarette and or any form of smoke.
Person 1 - Dude, I'm dying for a smoke!

Person 2 - Bitch please, I had my Jimmy Rizlet last coffee break...
by Maximiliaan March 16, 2011
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Jimmy Wales's balls are sweet and free. I like free! My time is free. My life is free. My health is free. My retardation is free.
by aaamerica September 19, 2023
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