16 definitions by Dogger Dude

Kristy shaved her head in high school. Dennis really enjoyed the feeling of her shaved scalp while she gave him a bald beej.
by Dogger Dude October 10, 2019
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One who habitually visits Asian massage parlors
Scottie has been down at the Asian massage joint 3 times this week. That kid is a raging parlor monger.
by Dogger Dude July 10, 2018
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A wet fart that bubbles out of your anus
We were watching the football game today and Scottie ripped a bubblah fart. All I heard was the ripple and it stunk to high heaven.
by Dogger Dude March 10, 2018
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When a pubic hair gets caught in the back of your throat causing you to cough.
Vinnie had a date with Andrea last nite and woke up this morning with the curly cough.
by Dogger Dude January 14, 2018
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The art of farting in a location, leaving the location and returning minutes even sometimes hours later to the smell of the fart still going strong.
Scottie parked a fart today in the car on the way to the gas station. We stopped to pump gas, went inside and I got a coffee and he got some smokes. When we got back in the car it still smelled like ass.
by Dogger Dude February 18, 2018
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Scottie visited the Asian massage parlor. After his massage, Mimi went to rub his winkee but Scottie signaled that he wanted her to suck it. She ripped off some Saran Wrap and placed it over his one eye to perform the SWBJ.
by Dogger Dude June 8, 2021
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A penis that is carrying an STD
I heard Johnny banged that slut raw the other night. Now there’s a good chance he has an infected mushroom.
by Dogger Dude November 25, 2019
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