An elegant form of mosh dancing that consist of hunching over, and aggressively picking grass up with your hands.... and proceeding to place said grass in your pockets.
Hey dude, I saw you doin the grass in the pocket at the show the other night.. stellar performance!
by Mojojo123 July 20, 2020
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Refers to a hand in a game of cards that are mismatched and are of no value similar to a pocket full of random items such as sweet wrappers and buttons.
Amy: Dude I totally just got a straight flush.

Gar: Damn, I had a shitty Stelmo Pocket

Amy: I win
by ultimategiraffe February 10, 2011
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Something you say to someone who is acting like a total bitch; as tho they were on their menstrual and in major bitch mood. Also an inconspicuous way of telling someone that they are being intolerable and that they need to cut that shit out. Cuz it's showing. Put ur period away.
Omg BeckySusan; put your rag in your pocket already. And stop treating everyone like they all just stabbed your Vag. U don't have to be a bitch!
by BeckySusan Ragpocket October 8, 2020
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when your doing laundry and your jeans are full of things you've never seen before
crap pockets -
"hmm what's this ... this wasn't my fortune cookie slip ... how the hell?"
"hmm what's this ... a button in my pocket? ... how the hell?"
"hmm what's this ... $20!... oh wait ... it's one of those fake bills ... really?"
by BLAhaBLAha March 19, 2010
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The act of shitting into another’s asshole and leaving it inside on their rectum.
Person 1: How did last night go with Stacy?
Person 2: She was nasty. She made me do the Devil’s Hot Pocket
by Jim Pickins July 12, 2021
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An Orphan Hot Pocket is when an only child’s parents are taken and turned into hot pockets, then being fed to the now orphaned child.
by H6unt July 5, 2023
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