Expression of surprise, happiness, disappointment, or sadness (oh) in conjunction with "okay" (either earnestly or jokingly saying something is acceptable).

Usually follows a question with an unexpected (or expected but undesired) answer that the asker doesn't know how to respond to.
Asker: What did I miss in class yesterday?
Asked: Nothing, it was canceled.
Asker: Oh? Okay! (surprised + happy, actually okay)

Asker: Hey, you wanna hang out some time?
Asked: Why'd you think I'd wanna hang with you?
Asker: Oh... okay. (surprised + disappointed, not okay)

Asker: Hey, I heard you were under the weather yesterday. You feeling better?
Asked: Nah, I'm still feeling sick.
Asker: Oh, okay. (sad + not surprised, not okay)

Me: I need punctuation between the words for emphasis
Urban Dictionary: "Examples should include the word being defined"
Me: "oh okay"
by qedbep September 15, 2020
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To describe a fierce, intimidating and nerve-racking person. Usually nick named by Asian Students for a discipline teacher.
"Ah Oh is coming, hurry get back to your seats!"
by DatBoiBoay November 1, 2020
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1: An phrase of exclamation.

2: A phrase Kim Dracula fans use in any type of shocking or funny situation.
Oh my dracula, they did not do that!
by LXXLoveRoulette July 26, 2023
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When something is so funny you need to declare it. Sometime you will hear a Gen Z or even a millennial say “LOL” or “lol”. Oh my lol implies that but with a little more efficacy.
Did you just hear that our MP has been described as having the shelf life of lettuce?
Oh my lol, I heard that! She’s getting shredded!
by Bah Zah October 14, 2022
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'Wow' or 'for fucks sake' - depending on tone used
Johnny's scored.
Oh yeah n dat and ting.

Johnny's dropped the spliff in a puddle.
Oh yeah n dat n ting.
by The man from Bushido Bay September 10, 2020
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