A woman who is well endowed in the buttocks area. Not too much where there would be a need for bra-like support. A term frequently used in the punch up of classified ads. Similar to a booty or a badonkadonk
Chastity, was most well known for her busty bum" or "Do you sell pants that help accentuate a busty bum?
by slanted7 April 4, 2011
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Someone who doesn't join the discord VC
Why is James being such a Bum Rat, just join the VC dammit
by klwpolar April 21, 2021
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Someone who doesnt join the Discord vc
Oh man why is James being such a Bum Rat
by klwpolar April 24, 2021
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Backwards Bumming is a sexual position which involves two people - one f which must be male Both participants kneel on the floor facing away from each other (bum to bum). The male (or one of the males) pushes his dick down and back through his leg - effectively pointing backwards. Both participants then move towards each other engaging in anal sex.
Are you alright there Pete? You look like you're in a bit of pain?
I am Doug. I twisted my ball sack last night when I was Backwards Bumming the wife!
by MaccieG July 9, 2021
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The nuclear bruise you get from falling off a chair
My bum is purple I must have a atomic bum
by Cody5050 January 14, 2022
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After forcing a huge crap out you feel sore and violated from the inside out.
Your arshole has been stretched to the max by the turd exiting.
Ned. what's the matter I thought you just needed a shit.
Mike. Yeah I did but it feels like I was reverse bummed.
by gotgcoalman June 8, 2018
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