A term used for a person who exclusively pursued romantic or sexual relationships with law enforcement officers.
Have you heard from Becky?
No, she’s really been running the pig farm lately.
by justjokeshere August 13, 2022
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When you’re on a road trip and you experience diarrhea because of all the gas station food you eat.
Kevin got the highway runs on our road trip to Arizona.
by Papa Kryn June 28, 2021
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Running through red lights while driving
It was late at night and nobody was on the road so we were casually running reds.
by W1LDC4RD I June 11, 2023
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A female running in a race while on her period
Wife: I'm signing-up for a half-marathon this Sunday.
Husband: Won't you be on the rag?
Wife: Yes -- I'll be "running red".
by zodiac711 October 24, 2010
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Making it passed third base but not fully hitting a home run. Dry humping/Just the tip
Michelle: Did you guys fuck yet?
Chloe: No, but we were running to home.
by daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii September 21, 2018
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Doing a girl from behind while making snort noises like a bull, and pointing your fingers in front of her head to look like horns.
Dude, I hooked up with this crazy chick last night. She was on all fours, so naturally I assumed she wanted me to Run the Bull.
by Frito Pie May 29, 2021
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running bases in baseball while holding your dick
Dude did you see nick run with the bat ?
by A!@#$%^&*() November 12, 2015
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