Old Milwaukie Beer. It was cheap beer to get for college keggers.
by goedeck January 3, 2010
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That old skeleton wrote in hexademical punch cards!
by eternal toddler June 12, 2015
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Best football team, we can beat Broadneck in a heartbeat, Broadneck just mad because we’re better💀
Old mill high Oh number one in Annapolis who us!!
by Maddie_love October 15, 2021
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when an old man takes a shit in ur mouth and shoves a swizzle stick up ur dick hole
( Hey my dad gave me The Old School Twist the other day i still sting from it)
by mitchell richardson October 12, 2011
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Tard-Old: A term defined by reaching an age in which you no longer contain coherence in your everyday speach, often accompanied with memory loss and loss of bowell control.
Jeremy: Your Great Grandmother is still alive?

Jarod: I guess if you consider someone that is Tard-Old living...
by KillaNeptune April 20, 2011
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