son: Dad, what is a poker habit, is it some kind of poker hand that i don't know about?

Dad: son, no you genius. It's a disease, that needs to be treated asap; otherwise, people lose their financial affluence and may even end up doing harakiri to avoid financial ruin.
by Sexydimma July 28, 2012
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A disgraced former assistant coach from a major university alleged to have had sexual relations with preteen age boys. (Talk about children at risk.) Not to be confused with the old drinking song The Pennsylvania Polka.
Bring in the young boys and send them to Jer
The Pennsylvania Poker
Pre teen age only and no pubic hair
The Pennsylvania Poker
Horsin' around in the old shower stall
He'll try to penetrate ya

Aint no one who coaches Stranger
Than the Poker from Pennsylvania.
by Jellykones69 December 13, 2011
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a person who pokes little kid wieners
"Dude she's a chode poker,she poked my cousin Bartholomew's dick"
by Jiffystuff2 February 18, 2016
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Its the most powerfull weapon in game called chicken invaders
i just got Utensil Poker now i can poke those chickens
by TON618 August 18, 2022
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A person who unconsciously reaches out to touch other people's new piercngs, often without permission. They aren't doing it to be a douche, they just kind of don't realize they're doing it.
Similar to a personal space invader, but only momentarily.
Me: Man, Sherry was molesting my industrial today. It kind of hurt, actually.
Bud: Yeah, she's a piercing poker.
by Halers Dee May 7, 2011
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Your uncle who went to a family gathering and lost a game of poker. Now he’s mad and punching people, throwing tables and chairs, and drinking mass amounts of alcohol.
I was around when my Drunk Uncle Who Lost a Game of Poker was rampaging through the living room.
by IAssasinatedJFK May 25, 2023
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