The game played by fellow Walmart shoppers. Its like traditional Bingo but instead of letters or numbers you use the bizzare oddities of nature and trailer parks that can only be discovered within the confines of your local Walmart.
You're walking through Walmart aisles and suddenly you spot a rare treasure. A father and son with matching mullets and nascar shirts. You yell "Walmart Bingo!"
by Muerte de Mujer February 4, 2010
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When the Walmart has a McDonald's, so you get yourself Chicken McNuggets to eat while you shop at Walmart.
"I went to the store the other day and got myself a Walmart Nugget. It was pretty sweet."
by the-meme-master May 25, 2023
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Having a slow and shitty wifi connection. Used because Walmart is shitty and cheap. Cheap wifi=slow wifi.
"Damn, look at all this lag!"
"Walmart wifi!!!"
by tAVROS nITRAM January 20, 2016
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Is when you snatch up your child in a public place.After witch phrases such as "you get ten more when you get home!" may be used. This form of punishment is usually delivered when a child is screaming,crying or does not get their way.
Last week at the grocery store some kid was screaming and like a flash of white trash lightning the mom snatched up the kid and delivered swift justice with a Walmart Whoopin'. She then said why are you crying?" I'll give you something to cry about!" then delivered another Walmart Whoopin'.
by Panther21 September 22, 2014
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*derived from "I am going to Walmart" as code for "I shall now use the bathroom to poo" or "I am going to the bathroom to fart away from human presence as a courtesy to the world."
Everything's on sale at Walmart, cuz the poop wouldn't stop flying outta my butt!
Damn, I popped a squat, but it was all liquid. Walmart must be having a sale.

Person 1: You were in there a while, everything okay?
Person 2: There was a sale at Walmart.
by Boom Level Prime October 10, 2022
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A breakdown in a song so good that you could trash/destroy a Walmart to it.
Dude, did you here that Walmart Breakdown in that Tallah song?! So sick!
by DeathArsenal November 9, 2018
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goin to walmart drunk asF and doin random shit and quite possibly being carried out in handcuffs
omg we got arrested for drunk walmarting.. finally!
by cock_licking_kkk_bitch February 12, 2015
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